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Day Island Yacht Club Classified Ad Policy

Classifieds are free to members of DIYC, and include all ads of a non-commercial nature.

Send all ads for boathouses and/or boats moored in the DIYC moorage to the Port Commission for approval before publishing the ad.

Boats for sale not located in DIYC moorage, Marine Equipment and Other items for sale may be sent to: for posting in the next two monthly issues and on the DIYC website.  

Please note the expiration date assigned to your ad (example: Exp. 01-11-24).  Fog Locker ads will run for 2 issues.  If you want to renew for another 2 months, please notify the Editor before the expiration date on your ad.  Your ad will be dropped if we do not hear from you.

Thank you for your cooperation.